lung sounds rales

Lung Sounds

This app contains useful lung sounds, from a medical standpoint.Next to each sound is a description that helps interpret.It appears as a good tool for...


The Los Angeles Junior Chamber of Commerce strives to create leaders of tomorrow through professional enrichment, leadership development and community...


由台湾著名漫画家赖有贤先生根据著名童话《一千零一夜》改编的漫画集。《阿拉丁神灯》、《阿里巴巴和四十大盗》、《赛恩王子》、《神奇的飞毯》、《乌木马》、《辛巴达航海记》等耳熟能详的故事。功能: · 自动根据系统语言切换简繁体。 · 同时支持iphone/ipad · 纸质书翻页设计 
· 自动记录最后阅...