little gem

Talk to Teddy bear

Talk to Teddy Bear. Teddy Bear talk to you with Funny voices. You can change the color of your Teddy Bear. Enjoy hours of fun and laughter with Teddy ...

Gem Smashers

地球曾是和平宁静的地方,人们和睦相处。后来,一个名叫 IMBU 的可怕科学家及其党羽到这里偷走了地球的能量,并且俘虏了所有居民并将其锁在水晶牢房里。出乎意料的是,有 3 个勇敢的家伙逃了出来,他们分别是 BAU、BAM 和 BOM。他们成为了“宝石粉碎者”,到处弹跳和旋转来粉碎囚禁他们朋友的水晶牢房...

Lucky Gems

This application is the outcome of years of research conducted by our researchers for a number of years on samples who were born on different dates.Yo...