list of phobias


Get Phobias and check out a comprehensive list of phobias from all the way from Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or bathing, to Zoophobia- Fear of animal...


Get Phobias and check out a comprehensive list of phobias from all the way from Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or bathing, to Zoophobia- Fear of animal...


A Visual Encyclopaedia of Phobias. This Guide to Fear details a large number of phobias from the common to the downright bizarre. Learn the medical na...

Phobia Quiz

PhobiaQuiz is a trivia game in which the technical tearms of various fears have to be identified and correctly linked to their descriptions. One of tw...

Phobias 500+

This application contains hundreds of different phobias. Organized by name and phobia.You can add af phobias to a favorite listYou can search for a ph...


天童美语从孩子的视角出发,以漫画形式展现孩子的生活,让孩子更容易接受其中的学习元素。* 启蒙阶段,以听说为主,培养孩子的英文思维的能力,逐步加强认读能力的培养,为孩子升入小学打下良好基础。* 基础阶段,将口语教学与应试教学完美融合,强化听说读能力的同时,渗透语法的学习,提高孩子的应试能力。歌曲通过歌...