

小圍棋是一款休閒益智類游戲,它可以看成是圍棋的簡化版本。遊戲雙方各有六個棋子,殺死對方全部棋子後,遊戲結束。殺死棋子跟圍棋一樣,將棋子圍住,並且沒有活“氣”就可以“吃掉”棋子。與圍棋不一樣的地方是,遊戲的結束不是以佔空間的多少來計算,而是要殺光對方的所有棋子。 小圍棋是一塊小巧的遊戲,可以在幾分鐘...

Titus eBooks

The Titus eBooks app provides enhanced digital versions of Titus literature. The app includes eBook versions of the Engineering Guidelines and other l...

Titus AR

Titus AR allows your iPhone or iPad to recognize images in Titus literature and printed documentation and augment it with video, animation, drawings, ...