korean grammar


L-Lingo 学习韩语 (Free) 你无需懂得任何韩语便可使用“L-Lingo 韩语”进行韩语交谈。*****免费试用版中可使用 65 个课程中的 5 个可通过下面的链接获取完整版:https://market.android.com/details?id=air.com.llingo.kor_...

Korean Grammars

Hello everyone Here I submit to you the first app in the Play Store market that it has the grammars of Korean language translated into English languag...

Korean Basic Grammar 90

Korean Basic Grammar 90한국어 기초 문법 90សំនួនវេយ្យាករណ៍គ្រឹះនៃភាសាកូរ៉េចំនួន ៩០Not well explained grammar yet useful and efficient app for studying and rev...