kiosque mag android

App Mag

App Mag is your latest app technology, style and infotech journal on-the-go! We analyze the current trends, connect you to the must have apps and prov...

App Maker

in this app you can order a android application for yourself, your website/blog or your business! just enter your Email, what you want and how much yo...

NuLife for Android

为了让NU LIFE 的 Android 用家有更方便的流动资讯工具,并一站式处理NU LIFE业务,我们现推出全新一代的NU LIFE Android App,欢迎大家免费下载使用。 透过3G或Wi-Fi上网本软体将会為您提供以下服务: NU LIFE「功能性浓缩食品」(FFC)及其他优质生活產品...

Magazine Cover

we have released a new 'Magazine Cover' app for Android.It lets you become a cover model in just a click! The app previews the chosen cover as...