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Emulsify is a simple image editing app. You can switch between a variety of filters that are fun for you and your family. Some features include:• Map ...


Finally, a SIMPLE to use Classifieds App built exclusively for mobile users! FREE and EASY to use for both buyers and sellers!Want to sell your unused...

Jiu Jik 招職 HD

嶄新《招職》搵工App,將全城至hit筍工帶到你的智能手機及平版電腦,讓你快人一步,搶先上位。貼心功能包括:• 連繫《招職》龐大優質好工資料庫,即時閱覽筍工及招聘日資訊;• 由零售、美容、餐飲至酒店業等,搜尋橫跨46個熱門行業的筍工;• 靈活隨心運用關鍵字 (keyword)、工作職能 (job f...


The simplest app for classroom communication and organization! ClassOwl is an interactive planner that helps teachers connect directly with students, ...

jobsDB 是亞洲領先的招聘求職平台,業務遍及香港、印尼、馬來西亞、菲律賓、新加坡和泰國。網站每月提供超過 20 萬個職位空缺,協助求職者尋找最佳工作機會。jobsDB 最新推出的 Android 手機應用程式,讓求職者透過程式搜尋職位空缺,登入現有的個人 jobsDB 帳戶並獲取有興趣的...