jenny bakery中環地址

Jimmy Bakra

Every year on the auspicious day of Eid-ul Azha, lots of goats (Bakras) are sacrificed. Once again, that time has come when goats will be served as Ba...

Jenny UK

This application is for Jenny studying aboard in United Kingdom. It is a web app which provide the latest news and weather forecast in UK which part o...


“a fabulously compelling physics platformer.”, Keith Stewart, Hookshot Inc.“It's well designed, clever, and it plays brilliantly.” 8/10 Pocket GamerTh...

大佛頂首楞嚴經 卷三 《白話文自動對照》

【卷三內容提要】 六根六塵六識說明了感知的三大分類,地火水風空見識則為構成世間萬法的七大元素,這些長久以來都一直存在於如來藏性當中。 世間的塵緣事務雖然有不同的樣貌,究其本質都周遍圓滿沒有動搖。 佛陀不論在道理或事相上都遣除了分別妄心,要引導眾生直達清淨本心,了解到這個本真心地原本就恆常存在於平日的...

Candy Tale

Have you ever dreamed of a candy city where houses have caramel rooftops and windows are made of cookies? You no longer have to dream about the city o...