ipod nano 4 規格

Nano Level

Nano Level can be a really useful helper in your every days life. * Very good calibration capabilities (compare it!) * Measures X/Y and total rotation...

Nano Research

Tap into the most recent developments in all aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology with the Nano Research app. Nano Research is an international p...


The Aznoe is a great solution for those who want something more than Google Task List."We know there are a lot of todo lists out there but we wanted s...

Nano Wars

Nano Wars is a simulation of a war that takes place on the Nano world. Four colonies of Nanobots fight to the death for scarce food. They have to surv...

ATC Mania

Are you the best air traffic controller (ATC) worldwide? Now you can prove it with ATC Mania!ATC Mania is an addictive line-draw air traffic control g...


帶感情的創作是騙不了我的 這是愛就宅在一起裡面的ㄧ句台詞.. 偶像劇除了俊男美女之外,另外就是那些夢幻的台詞, 聽了就好像吃了一盒甘甜巧克力一樣, 濃濃的感覺在心中慢慢的化開,然後久久在心中環繞著... 偶像劇台詞收錄了超過兩千句以上的偶像劇台詞, 希望看過的人可以愉快的度過每一天 特色: 1.兩千...


生活就像是一盒巧克力,你永遠都不知道你的下一口是什麽? 這是阿甘正傳裡面的一句令人回味無窮的台詞.. 電影也許是虛幻的,同時也是那樣的真實,真實與虛幻中容易跟人產生共鳴. 你是不是也曾經因為一句台詞而感動的久久無法自己ㄋㄟ? 經典台詞這次收錄了將近兩千條幽默有趣且發人省思的電影台詞與大家分享. 希望...