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Scribble Racer - S Pen

Auto translated (english version below):請將您的手寫筆/手指在賽道上,而它的滾動速度越來越快。孩子和大人可以挑戰他們的技能,一個滾動的軌道內收集的水果和星星畫線。留在軌道,擊敗高分!下載免費的和令人上癮的紙張賽車遊戲,現在發現自己在全球在線排行榜!塗鴉賽車優化...


Scribble, é um jogo emocionante, onde você deve exterminar os monstros que aparecem para se proteger. Scribble vai além de suas expectativas e te surp...


Get rid of boring ways of wishing people on various chat clients. Get creative with scribble and impress other people. Scribble is a powerful app whic...

Pen and Paper

《骑士经理》一款回合制的像素游戏,来源于老式纸笔式的RPG,玩家控制骑士进行学习和战斗,可以自由放置怪物,选择战斗方式,并得到相对应的回报,游戏有超过12个人物、100个任务、50种怪物以及100多种物件,丰富的系统包括铁匠、附魔、采矿、宝藏,给玩家很大的个性化体验.免費玩Pen and Paper...

Pap App

Pap App includes summaries of evidence-based guidelines for Pap and colposcopy results. Here are some of the highlights of the app:Evidence-based clin...