ipad google earth

搜狗地图 Pad版

 支持离线地图下载,离线浏览,节省90%以上的流量;  超过40个大中城市的卫星照片浏览,尽享身临其境的感觉;  4大(即将扩充到16个)城市的实时路况参考,轻松避开拥堵路段;  实时准确的定位,随时掌握所处位置;  地点、道路、公交、周边等各类信息任你搜索;  驾车、打车路线导航,出入...

搜狗地图(for pad)



Welcome to 'Memoraty'!Memoraty is a game in which you have to find matching pairs of cards. Its features include 2-Player and single player modes, two...

Warcraft AUTO

Giới thiệu trò chơi:Warcraft AUTO là game dựa trên chủ đề Warcraft kinh điển của năm 2014 và các phiên bản mới tích hợp với game RPG thương vụ. "Warcr...


--free version with iAds!--Welcome to 'Memoraty'! Memoraty is a game in which you have to find matching pairs of cards. Its features include 2-Player ...


As a soldier of the corps,it's your duty to protect the survivors of the human population.The free-thinkers are methodically eradicating us as we spe...