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ActiveSGDownload this free mobile app and start exploring sports and activity venues located throughout Singapore. Designed for smartphone users to ma...


Whether you want lead a healthier lifestyle and be more active or you’re one of those relentless competitive spirits, ACTV will keep you moving. Group...

2015 必听经典 评书及现代小说大全

《必听评书小说》不仅收集了大量的单田芳、刘兰芳、连丽如等众多大师的经典评书,也收集了众多现代小说,如穿越、美女、反腐等题材小说,节目精彩,笑声不断。有时畅听也是一种享受。闲暇时一杯咖啡,不用眼睛盯着屏幕,听美女、或帅哥娓娓道来... ... 为感谢广大用户朋友的厚爱和支持, 系统开放《隋唐演义》和《...