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Connect with the Largest Indonesian Community: • Discuss the latest news • Share your knowledge & tips • Find your interest • Buy & sell anything on F...


Connect with the Largest Indonesian Community:• Discuss the latest news• Share your knowledge & tips• Find your interest• Buy & sell anything on FJBKe...


TunerTool是一个为您的iphone提供的吉他和弦乐器调 音工具。基于其成功的网络浏览器版本的前身,TunerTool为专家和初学者提供了一种简单便捷的调音工。 为您的吉他调音的三个步骤: - 从设置标签中,选择您喜欢的调音方式。 - 按照屏幕指示拨动琴弦直到屏幕上显示“sweet spot”...