

Quizzy è un simpatico ed interessante quiz in Italiano, gratis e senza pubblicità. Il Gioco consiste nell’indovinare 10 domande in 60 secondi, sceglie...

Quinny Wolfy

This is all free-to-paid version.So cute and funny 11 mini-games. Let's enjoy funny time~----개발자 연락처 :02-969-9005서울시 구로구 구로3동 코오롱싸이언스밸리2차 1114호(주)...

Loving Cica II

宛如慧星般出現的九頭身美女,以完美外型及優雅氣質進軍演藝界,活躍於亞洲各地的電影、電視、雜誌、廣告、時尚等領域,其甜美的笑容及美麗的身影早已吸引所有人的目光,讓人為之瘋狂! Cica:「如今,我就在大家的面前,在你掌中的扉頁光影間躍動著。我不禁想著,會有人喜歡我嗎?看著這本寫真,大家會更認識我一些嗎...

İlahiler II

Huzur veren ilahi kayıtlarından 15 adet yüksek kaliteli eser ihtiva eden bir derleme... - müziklerin Ringtone,Notification ve Alarm sesi olarak kullan...

Beat maker II

Create professional drum beats with Beat Maker II. Apply effects (modulation, delay, reverb, eq, compressor, bit crusher), attack, decay, volumes, gro...

Zapp Tekenapp

Tekenen is nog nooit zo leuk geweest! In de Zapp Tekenapp kunnen kinderen van 6-12 jaar meedoen aan verschillende tekenopdrachten van verschillende NP...


ह्या अप्लिकेशनमध्ये फक्त दररोज नवीन Quality प्रश्न समाविष्ट केले जातील.यामुळे पुन्हा पुन्हा नवीन Quality प्रश्न सोडवून परीक्षेचा सराव करावा. एक टेस्ट ...


Report your opinions and issues regarding your municipality using Munizapp! Munizapp is a fully integrated solution for citizens to report their opini...


Se você gosta de jogos de trivia, você vai adorar QuiZapp - um jogo social com milhares de perguntas e com muitos sons e animações.Em QuiZapp, você po...