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iKnow MagicTurn to a mentalist by iKnow Magic!Imagine the following scenario: You give a spectator your smartphone and tell him that you set up your l...


iKnow! is a personalized language learning tool based on advanced learning algorithms designed to help you learn faster and more efficiently. The mobi...

iKnow-iNote iKnow

Group Scribbles for Smart Phone為新竹教育大學數位學習科技研究所所製作的合作學習平台,必且整合於group scribble 2.0,透過本app可以快速製作多媒體格式便利貼(影像、聲音)分享於其他小組成員,其他成員亦可以快速評論修改便利貼,本app結合推播訊息(C2D...

iDoo know

iDoo Know adalah permainan terka gambar berbahasa Indonesia yang sangat menarik, anda bisa menikmatinya bersama teman-teman dan menambah pengetahuan s...