hp psc 1400 driver for windows 7

HP Xcam

With the HP Xcam App you can now control your HP ac200w and ac300w camera remotely using an Android phone. Also, you can preview and set the camera wi...

What's In My Sky

See all the brightest galaxies currently in your sky! Using GPS coordinates, this app gives you a list of all the brightest galaxies, nebulae and star...


证券从业资格-证券投资基金考试题包含了2008年到2012年证券从业资格考试《证券投资基金》科目考试真题。一款简单实用的软件,让您的学习和复习变得更轻松。 软件特点: 1.真题练习,让您掌握考试题型的同时,了解考试重点有针对的复习。 2.离线做题,根据您的需要随时随地的做练习,查看试题答案。 3.自...

车猫-4S On Care

■贴身医生,安全护航 驾驶前自检:驾驶前,实时诊断车辆发动机等全方位参数状况,给安全出行提供参考 故障报警:行车途中,实时在线诊断,发现故障即刻报警,通过手机即刻通知到车主 常规报告:可随时查看行车状态的常规诊断报告和故障 实时车况:车辆状况(发动机转速、油耗、行驶里程、车速等)显示于智能手机端。可...