拯救基瓦努卡 Kiwanuka
拯救 Kiwanuka 人。引导迷路人获取自由。发现忘却的爱意。使用魔棒登高攀爬。祝您旅途好运。一款简单有趣的解谜游戏,玩家通过操作主角手头的魔法杖动作搭建出不同的桥梁来寻找最佳路径,我们可以随意设置自己魔法桥的长度和推的方向,通过观察地形让桥梁避开障碍物把我们引向终点。游戏看似简单,但是地形的多样...
拯救 Kiwanuka 人。引导迷路人获取自由。发现忘却的爱意。使用魔棒登高攀爬。祝您旅途好运。一款简单有趣的解谜游戏,玩家通过操作主角手头的魔法杖动作搭建出不同的桥梁来寻找最佳路径,我们可以随意设置自己魔法桥的长度和推的方向,通过观察地形让桥梁避开障碍物把我们引向终点。游戏看似简单,但是地形的多样...
这是第一个让宅君废寝忘食想要打通关的手游,没有之一。只要你下载了打开了,你就知道. 在《基瓦努卡》里,玩家需要操作类似摩西一样的领队,必须使用魔法能力来御使身后的跟班小伙伴们,使它们成为一座桥梁,这样才能在地图上来去自如,救出其他小伙伴。 这种取西经,大师兄的即视感,往往让玩家们沉浸其中。通常情况下...
Violet Lucency is a live wallpaper which animates different violet and blue shapes. By rotating a beautiful, abstract picture evolves.+ 6 different co...
Flying Stars is a live wallpaper which displays different little sweet stars. + star color change+ 4 different star symbols+ 5 background themes+ star...
Candyland is a live wallpaper that animates different sorts of sweet candy with many special faetures.+ rotation by touch+ nine different sorts of can...
Violet Lucency is a live wallpaper which animates different violet and blue shapes. By rotating a beautiful, abstract picture evolves.This is a free t...
Colorselektor is an intuitive color selection tool suitable for designers, artists and programmers for selecting colors using different layout models....
Magic Contraction is a live wallpaper which animates laser light rays shining through thick clouds. These are surrounded by a green aura. You can also...
The gummy bear oracle is a funny and entertaining game of chance. Draw five bears and learn all about your future!The color combination tells you ever...
Pool Bouncer live wallpaper features billard balls rolling across a virtual table and bouncing against each other. You can choose between red, blue or...