headphone burn in track

Head Track

Use your phone as a FreeTrack controller similar to TrackIR by mounting it to your head phones. You need to install the server on the PC you intend to...

Break Dance

Si te apasiona el mundo del break dance, con esta aplicacion podras disfrutar de 26 espectaculares fondos de pantalla de alta resolucion sobre este mu...

Burn-in Tool

如新車在正常使用前需經過一段「磨合」的時間,使其內部的機械裝置充分協調配合,提前進入最佳狀態,高品質的耳機亦是如此;然而,這往往需花費幾個星期甚至幾個月的時間。 為了節省您寶貴的時間並希望耳機快速進入理想的聆賞狀態, Moshi Audio用心呈現『Burn-In Tool 』程式,可幫助您加速耳機...


Headphones actually require a time of adjustment called 'Burn-In'. During this time you will notice an increase in sound quality about your he...