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Mystery Manor

…Artwork is great, and the plot -which is slowly unveiled- gets more complex at every step...androidzoom.comA mysterious Event took place in the Manor...

Mystery Manor

內容介紹 : …Artwork is great, and the plot -which is slowly unveiled- gets more complex at every step... androidzoom.com A mysterious Event took place in...

Mystery of the Opera Full

在这个令人着迷的历险中,证明真爱可以克服一切障碍! 在即将取得成功首演的前夜,歌剧演员克丽丝汀被一个穿着黑色斗篷的陌生人绑架了!万分悲痛之余,她的未婚夫下定决心,哪怕历尽艰难也要将她救出。剧场里年老的道具管理员告诉他,这次绑架有黑魔法牵涉其中,并且给了他强大的附身符,从而帮助他锁定克丽丝汀所在的位置...