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Granny Smith

Sprinkle 的制造者“Granny Smith 喜欢超级无敌掌门狗动画片的高潮追逐场景” [Slide to Play] “Sprinkle 团队发行的另一个精美的游戏,这款游戏可提供数小时的娱乐,而无需陡峭的学习曲线”[JayIsGames] “图形经改进已达到完美,近乎拥有皮克斯动画般的外...

Tap Green Apples

How good are your reflexes? Probably as good as your high score in Tap Green Apples! ★ Addictive ★ Simple ★ No Violence, Great for Children★ Cute Grap...


RoadTrip - Learn as you travel.Whether you're at the Eiffel Tower or driving through the Arizona desert, RoadTrip helps you learn more about wherever ...