google my business location

My Business

My business is an application about my business, what I am doing within my company or with my network marketing systems. It includes web site, blog, f...


Η εφαρμογή είναι διαθέσιμη για κάθε τύπο Επιχείρησης και Ελεύθερους Επαγγελματίες - Μόδα, Ένδυση, Παιδικά Παιχνίδια, Υπόδηση, Κόσμημα, Ηλεκτρικές Συσκ...

Location History

LocLog application records in background and shows the history of where and when phone was located.Useful for tracking how much time during the day wa...

My Position

Quickly see where and how high you are on earth. If you define a target you can see how far you still have to go and in which direction. It uses the a...