google logo history

The History

Tenha todo conteúdo da The History na palma da sua mão. Acompanhe a programação em tempo real, participe de promoções, descontos com listas, pedidos d...

Google Search

Google web search & image results from Google in less than 3 seconds, in any language faster than Opera mini, QQ, Ovi, UC browser or Bolt. Search for ...

Google Search

Android 版 Google 搜尋應用程式:從網頁或您的裝置,輕鬆迅速找出您需要的資訊。 * 快速搜尋網路以及您的手機或平板電腦 * 豐富的語音搜尋等服務 * 根據您的所在位置,提供個人化搜尋結果 再加上 *Google 即時資訊*,隨時隨地提供實用的資訊,讓您一起床就知道當天的天氣,在出門上班...

Location History

LocLog application records in background and shows the history of where and when phone was located.Useful for tracking how much time during the day wa...


DevFest 2013 GDG Beer sheva.Platform for making check-in's, Android client and AppEngine server, make use of AppCompat, MapFragment, Volley and Ap...

La Location

Show information of your device:+ position latitude + position longitude + position altitude + position accuracy + position altitudeAccuracy + positio...