google apps script 書籍


Unique and simple apps managment.The first cover flow app manager. "Apps" is a simple way to manage your applications.Similar to popular Advanced Task...


Easy & fast tool to manager app & apk.SOME FEATURES:■ Backup applications to your sdcard directly■ Send Google Play link or Apk directly as attachment...

Alert App

Alert app allows you to send your current location and alert to your saved numbers through messages in case of an emergency or crime.Application is sp...

Google Groups

We are looking to develop this as a fully functional application. Mail us @ if you are interested to be beta user. This enables yo...


【柏林少女照相機】是Facebook素人插畫家【柏林少女。安安】所繪製,如果想到德國柏林你就錯了~【柏林少女。安安】(Boring Aria)的插畫是為無聊時一位少女的插畫所著,柏林少女本著在Boring-作畫時詼諧的風格,所量身打造出系列詼諧、有趣、可愛的貼圖,專為拍照時覺得一般功能Boring的...

植物 - Tinybop出品

深入探寻植物王国的奥秘!在这款交互式立体模型中探索世界上的生物群落:变换四季、控制天气、点燃野火,还可以挖洞看到小动物和植物根茎。算法式动画让数十个物种栩栩如生;在这个数字沙盒中的每一次探险都有新惊喜,适合 4-10 岁的儿童。 《植物》是“探索者知识库”系列的第二款 app,该系列是激发探索欲和更...