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This app tries to identify the file type using the "magic number" contained in the first few bytes (similar to the Linux utility with the same name).I...

Copy Manager

▶ ▷About copy manager ◁ ◀ - This application may be copied, you can paste it anywhere freely. - Copy the contents of multiple. - Floating Launcher ic...

WiFix Manager

It seems many people having issues with WiFi in 4.0 builds when SIM-Card is inserted.WiFix tries to solve this problem by changing the WiFi country co...


一個簡單的計算器,它的顯示屏顯示表達式,並給出操作方便進行編輯。 計算器PanecalST包括以下功能: *四則運算,根,百分比和稅款計算 *計算帶括號 *內存,M +,M-,MR,MC *向上/向下滾動行 *簡易編輯通過使用游標操作 *剪切,複製和粘貼 *表達式的歷史和歷史的答案 *可配置的分組...