golden spray industrial co ltd


Unleash your inner Bansky and practice your Graffiti skills without getting yourself arrested.Take a picture of your favorite wall and get spraying, t...

Spray Can

Spray Can emulate a spray to paint your car, a wall, your friend, your house and everything that you want.Shake your Android phone and start to paint ...

Spray Can

Spray Can is now on Android!Spray Can is a tool that emulates real spray can painting with your device!Spray Can will pass those boring moments for yo...

Spray Painter 噴畫家


Spray Paint

喷漆从相册中的任何图片,Facebook或新照片或空白的画布,它与您的朋友和家人分享。 喷漆任何图片传达的信息。喷漆图片中的任何墙壁和传达的信息。喷漆与你的朋友在Facebook,电子邮件,Twitter或任何共享照片或照片编辑应用程序分享您的艺术。 图片油漆喷涂上让他们难忘的,你可以传达有趣的消息...