
eZ Note

Simple and user friendly App where you can store your notes.Easy interface without complicated functions allows you to create, edit and delete notes w...

EZ COPY PASTE ~簡単コピー&ペースト~

このアプリを使うと、自分の好きな定型文を、メールやその他のアプリに簡単に貼り付けることができます。要はコピペツールです。プロフィール(TEL、アドレス、ID等)やメールの定型文を登録しておけば、よく使う文字をわざわざ手入力しなくても良くなります。(文字を入力する手間が省けます。)【できること】① 事...

EZ Timer

A simple and easy to use digital timer. Increase or decrese the minutes in clicks.Choose from various backgrounds and alarm sounds for your owen perso...

EZ Politics

EZ Politics provides simple, easy to read and understand information about American Politics. It provides accurate, unbiased information in order to c...


EZ PZ is a fun bunch of easy to play, hard to master mini-games that will challenge your mobile game skills! Challenge your friends and family on our ...

Ez Metronome

Lots of great features in this Metronome. Standard quarter note=1 Beat or mix and match Beat sub-division with one click buttons. Ad-free version.Feat...


Your home screen will be the envy of all your your friends when you personalize your Android powered device with the new Envy Wallpaper App. Choose on...


Gogobot是您首选的旅游指南。Gogobot基于与您具有相同兴趣和品味的人们所推荐的旅游好去处,为您提供最佳的玩乐、美食和住宿建议。Gogobot 拥有675,000个评论, 提供四百万张图片, 不管您享受一晚夜生活、周末度假,抑或正环游世界中, Gogobot都能为您提供住宿、吃喝玩乐的独家旅...


【百度云2T永久空间等你来领】登录手机客户端即可轻松获取,相册、短信、通讯录、通话记录一键备份到云端,更有手机找回、密码锁等功能全方位为你数据保驾护航。 【必读】: 经过帅气的攻城狮昼夜打磨,百度云新功能震撼来袭,添加好友,和伙伴们快乐分享视频、照片,创建聚会群、资源群、班级群,一人分享,全群共享,...