gmail app exchange setup android

Boomerang(ForGmail Exchange)

通过这款名为Boomerang for Android的新应用程序,非iPhone用户可以享受到Mailbox特有的基于手势的邮件处理体验,当然Boomerang的特点和Mailbox不太一样,更多的是关于管理用户的回复及其他行为,通过向右滑屏,用户可以将邮件归档,向左滑屏可以选择更多选项,包括删除...

Exchange Diary

Exchange Diary lets you keep a shared diary with your friends, your family, your lover, anyone you want to share your thoughts and feelings with. Only...

Exchange EXTRA

Get a little EXTRA with the Exchange!Now the Exchange brings you EXTRA—EXTRA savings, coupons, contests and more!EXTRA is what you can expect whenever...