ft island raining專輯

Island defence

Island defence is a top down shooter, where you controll a helicopter and defend an island from incomming ships.The game features 2 helicopters, the A...

Castle Island

In the wonderland, there is an evil Red Queen. She captured one of your family members and challenge you to a special poker game. The Red Queen offers...

FTS Shop

Catalogo E-commerce FTS.La gamma di prodotti offerti da FTS è molto vasta e permette alle diverse tipologie dei suoi clienti di trovare presso i propr...

脑残全书 - 内涵暴走小清新

"亮了,亮了,亮了!“ 不是灯泡亮了,是你我他的眼睛亮了,亮得都快瞎了! 那些让人雷瞎双眼、自插双目的脑残全书!现在就妥妥地立在这里。 如果你都能读完,那我只能对你竖起大拇哥,"哇...你真了不得!” 更有读者评——“脑残全书了不得啊,得一本得天下矣!” 脑残全书修书委员会本着“高内涵”,“大幽默”...


免费版只有第一单元含有语音 意大利语300句内容丰富生动、实用性强, 从语言、文化、思维模式三个层面向读者提供了极有价值的信息, 能迅速提高您的口语水平。熟练并恰当使用这些语句, 将会给人一种成熟、自信的感觉。该应用共有30单元, 每单元有10句组成, 每单元包括“文化常识”和“主干句子”。每句话包...