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免费换取意想不到的丰富礼品! ▶礼券礼卡,种类繁多 包括myCard 游戏点数卡、超市现金券、星巴克、麦当劳、Neway…等,不定期更新! ▶达成简单任务换奖品 邀请朋友看短片、Facebook按赞、下载游戏…举手之劳赚积分,还能兑换超多礼品,非常划算 ▶热门LINE 贴图,也免费送! ▶随时随地接...
Free4U è l'app che ti consente di trovare tantissimi locali in tutta Italia in cui bere gratis grazie ai "Freepon", dei buoni virtuali che puoi sc...
Free42 is a re-implementation of the HP-42S calculator and the HP-82240 printer.It is a complete rewrite, not using any HP code, and it does not requi...
Travel companion for the Metra Rail System. * No Internet connection required!* Find station near you.* Clickable Metra Map* Alarms* Transfer Time Opt...
Take the challenge! Can you get a perfect score? A steady hand and good aim are required to score big. It starts out easy and gets harder as the targe...
Feedie is an app by The Lunchbox Fund that transforms your passion for sharing food photos into actually sharing food for those who need it. Simply si...
产品介绍: 茄子相册是一款基于云计算和云存储能力,跨电视机、电脑、手机多终端,可为用户提供个人相片展示、存放、分享的多屏互动应用。用户可通过多终端上传、浏览、管理照片,还可以分享到微博、社交网络上,记录个人生活点滴,与好友共享精彩瞬间。 产品特色: 1、一云多端,四屏互动 拥有业界领先的四屏互动,支...
Free online KNN Tv app .. enjoy News - Covering the top Kurdish and international news stories Headlines - A brief overview of the main news stories B...
是否想把视频中的精彩瞬间捕捉下来,保存为图片和亲朋好友分享? 小宝宝很好动,难以抓拍到满意的表情? 拍照的时候,是否不小心选择了摄像模式? 视频抓图器可以帮到你。 视频抓图器将视频文件中的图像逐张显示出来,你可以很方便的选择到满意的镜头,然后将其保存成照片。 特点: 1. 使用超简单,界面很直观。 ...
Video to Photo Grabber is an easy way to extract high quality photos from recorded videos on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Videos can be loaded directl...