find apple cats

找東西 - Find Objects

尋找隱藏的對象是迷人尤其是對孩子。這場比賽(Find Objects)就像是捉迷藏結合適合年輕的一個簡單的測驗。擦拭屏幕,並嘗試盡可能早地想隱藏的對象!這場比賽是簡單的嬰兒和吸引所有的孩子!去好好陪陪發現動物和人。找對象的特性(Find Objects):迷人的,令人驚奇的遊戲直觀的界面訓練手與眼的...

Find Mecca

Where is Mecca?Find Mecca — The simplest Qibla compass ever. It works in both portrait and landscape mode!Only USD 0.99, no inconvenient ads. Tell you...

Find Me

Find me is a matching game where toddlers, kindergarten and preschool kids learn to math the missing objects with the right animals Game play is simpl...