

Please help the seashell dive safely between platforms to deep sea. Once the seashell is blocked by platform, press "lightning" key at left bottom to ...


Easify daily work. The eeedo mobile application and web service boost collaboration, information flow and productivity in your organization. eeedo mob...

SeaShell Beta

SeaShell is a software terminal, for connecting to remote shells (bash,ksh,sh)Current Features* Can connect to remote shells via SSH* Unicode complian...


The Murfie app allows Murfie customers to stream their physical Compact Disc collections as well as buy new & used music using their Android devices.M...

發現衛道之美 翻轉教室玩出數學力'

Viator Math 數學應用APP內容(1) 國中數學線上學習系統(2) 12 年國教新聞(3) 數學競賽訊息(4) 數學活化教學課程(5) 科展參考教材(6) 教師專業發展PLC 會議內容(7) 數學科教學Google 協作平臺(8) 個人教學協作平臺(9) 特色課程程式設計協作平臺(10)教...