dynamic duo成員choiza

circle duo

だれでも簡単お手軽プレイの「Kuma the Bear」の最新作!左右の画面それぞれの「◎」を親指で上下に操作して壁を避け続ける高難易度ランゲーム「circle duo」が登場!一触即発!きみは2つの「◎」から目が離せない!左右別々のタイミングで迫り来る壁に集中力を研ぎ澄まし、両手で別々の操作をして...

Bubble Duo

Bubble Duo is an easy, relaxing and mind blowing puzzle game. The objective of the game is simple, earn the highest score by clearing rows and columns...


’Jaiza’ in urdu means to review, analyze or evaluate. This application is based on the Islamic concept of self assessment where we polish our characte...

极限躲避 circle duo

《极限躲避 circle duo》是一款极限躲避游戏,也适合双人玩,只不过双人难度简单些。在游戏中,玩家要用食指对画面两侧的“◎”进行滑动操控,边躲避墙壁边让小球前进。玩家需要用双手分别操控红色与蓝色的“◎”键,看准时机躲避逼近的墙壁,用敏锐的注意力通过关卡获得高分。当积攒到一定分数之后全新的速度模...