dumb reminders

Bills Reminder

With the daily reminder notifications and auto recurring feature provided by this App, you will have full control of your bills and avoid any late pay...

Lens Reminder

Lens Reminder is a lens counter that allows you to handle either the same type of lenses for both eyes or separate ones. This allows you to adjust for...


Etes vous proche d'Allah ?Grace à Time 4 Reminder, vous allez pouvoir enregistrer toute vos actions en tant qu'être musulman. Pour chacun des piliers ...


SecureMind Android Mobile Lite provides access to the SecureMind Surveillance Manager application on the Iomega® StorCenter™ NAS devices. The SecureMi...


The Pillreminder will remind you to take the birth control pill. The App supports three pill types:- 21 days (7 pill free days)- 22 days (6 pill free ...