don t go away中文版歌詞


《星象无限版 Star Chart Infinite 》使用最先进的全球定位系统技术,向你准确的描绘了一个三维立体的宇宙状态,这些都是实时的,和你所在地看到的星空是一样的状态,每一颗恒星和行星在什么位 置,都取决于你在地球上何地!你想知道天空中那个明亮的星星叫什么名字吗?点击的手机,你会发现它可能是...


2012年 狼女 由孔雀工作室(PeacockStudio)搭载Unity3D引擎倾力打造的一款全3D动作游戏;游戏描述的是狼女在地下城和各种邪恶怪物战斗的3D动作游戏;栩栩如生的怪物,阴森恐怖的地下城,近身搏斗,畅快淋漓的不断厮杀,更有6大关卡以及凶猛boss与你相遇,你需要的不仅仅是勇气,善于利...

Grow Away

The monsters have been eating way too much junk food, and now they’re hungry for something healthy – you! Take your team of valiant veggies into battl...

Ask Away

Ever need a little help deciding what to do, or what you should do? Remember those black ball, fortune questioning toys from way back when: you ask it...

Black Away

The alligator is taking a shower but he needs soap. Make your plan, move the soap block through the field and bring it to the alligator. Be careful, i...

Type Away

Type Away is all about typing the alphabet as fast as you can. You are timed to see how quickly you can type from A to Z.Amaze your friends with your ...