

iOS AppStore中国大陆区游戏总榜第1名、台湾区应用总榜第1名。安卓版官方同步更新,奉送动作经典让你一次嗨个够! [游戏特色] 画风独特:三国名将,拉风威武。不装Q、不卖萌; 超爽快感:划屏狂斩,创意玩法、酣畅淋漓; 碉堡技能:丰富技能、华丽特效。无双技能闪耀全屏; 装备系统:收集神器、化身...


Make the Neo swim forward as far as possible and don't sink to bottom. Pass through cluster of fish, coral, jellyfish, etc, and don't contact them,you...

NeoGo HD

Make the Neo swim forward as far as possible and don't sink to bottom. Pass through cluster of fish, coral, jellyfish, etc, and don't contact them,you...