describe an informal daily health inspection


功能: 1. 相片觀賞: Flickr, Picasa, Facebook, 500px, Smugmug 2. 刪除照片: Local, Flickr, Picasa. 3. 拍照自動上傳至空間 4. 分享照片 5. 隱藏相簿 下一步開發: 1. 手動上傳照片至任何空間 現今各式各樣雲端相簿充斥於...

EFT - Daily info

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a powerful new discovery that combines two well stablished sciences so you can benefit from both at the same tim...

NLP - Daily info

NLP was discovered by watching theraputic experts doing what they did and modelling their behviour so that it could be taught to others to allow them ...

Health Fengshui

-> តើសិចមានហុងស៊ុយដែរឬទេ? -> ការអប់រំសិច មិនមែនជារឿងផ្តេសផ្តាសទេ ?-> ហាមក្មេងក្រោមអាយុ១៨ឆ្នាំ​(១៨+)-> ត្រូវដឹងថា សិចគឺជារឿងមួយដែលយើងចង់ធ្វើវាអោយបានច្រ...