crysis benchmarking


Unleash your imagination with physic!Drysic is a challenging game where your objective is to guide a ball so that it touches all the stars placed in t...

Boofcv Benchmark

Diagnostic tool for developers using BoofCV on Android devices. Several performance benchmarks are available which test different families of operatio...


地球,2019:一颗庞大的小行星在地球坠毁.A政府迅速封锁了事发岛屿,并且声称这颗小行星归属 朝鲜.美国也立即派遣了一个三角洲精英小组前往观察形势.就在美朝政府关系日益紧张之际,神秘的小行星突然爆开,飞出一只高度2km的超大外星飞船.这只飞船制造出一个庞大的圆形力场,冻住了小岛的大部分地区,并且极大...