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和好如初Racing是一款高衝擊的賽車遊戲,移動特別開發的。玩家將放在那都配有過度的頂級武器和權力的企業,如炸彈,制導導彈和硝基充電器瘋狂的汽車的方向盤後面。本場比賽的唯一目的,是通過取出的對手,最好使在這個過程中平民傷亡的公平份額創造盡可能多的破壞的可能。 瘋狂的汽車和定制選項 球員得到快速的超級...

Crash List

Crash List - Accident Injury App by Tofaute & SpelmanThe law firm of Tofaute & Spelman has designed the application "Crash List" to assist drivers imm...

Egg Crash

Save the Rabbit! Destroy the egg! The rabbit was closed in the egg! Smash the egg by hitting it over 1000 times faster! How much you will be faster? C...

Crash App

Crash App is an Advanced Crash Detection System which will send for help if it senses an impact, with your GPS position & medical details.If you enjoy...