cpu gauge windows 7

Cpu Gauge

Cpu Gauge is a real-time, cpu and battery usage monitoring application for Droid. Whether you like the cool looking graphics or need cpu and battery m...

Cpu Gauge Pro

Cpu Gauge Pro is a real-time, cpu and battery usage monitoring application and widget for Droid. Whether you like the cool looking graphics or need cp...

CPU监测 CPU Usage Widget Free


SLW Cpu Widget

A(S)imple,(L)的洞察力(W)8個CPU的小工具,它顯示CPU負載沒有任何權限的需要。沒有廣告。 100%無脂肪!只有23 KB的小,這樣就不會吃了你的設備存儲空間。它僅更新一次,每分鐘以延長電池壽命。您可以按小部件強制刷新。 (這也是一個按鈕)這是一個小工具,所以你需要把它您的主屏幕是不...


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