costco vizio 50


Have you ever wanted to help Flo in the Superstore? Now you can! Guide as many customers as you can through the insurance purchase process before your...


*** NOTE: We just corrected some server issues that were causing our app to crash for a small group of customers, as well as a separate server issue t...


Make shopping fun again! With the Safeway app, saving has never been more convenient. Use the app to easily get coupons and find weekly savings. In ad...


Looking for the ultimate mobile shopping experience? Save time and money with the Fry's App! The Fry's App puts convenience and savings at you...


Enjoy a game of 42 dominoes, also known as Texas 42; a trick taking game with a standard set of double six dominoes. You are paired with a computer pa...


兔子跳铃铛是一款经典游戏,这个游戏的特点是它那动听的背景音乐,在你闲下心来的时候打开来玩是个不错的选择! 操作方式:轻触摸屏幕,可爱的小兔就会往上跳,每踩到一个铃铛,小兔就会继续往上跳一段距离,拉动小兔,让它踩到下一个铃铛,然后继续。跳到飞鸟的身上,分数翻倍。每踩到一个铃铛,小兔子就会继续往上跳一段...


谁说小猪不会飞,现在的科学不是一般的发达,科学家发明了一种药水可 以让小猪长出翅膀,但是要成为一只小飞猪可不是那么容易的哦,开动脑 筋突破重重困难,让你的小猪飞吧! 要注意的是: [1]你只能用[粉色]的鼠标指针来拖动小猪. [2]绿色和蓝色的鼠标指针只能拖动对应颜色的方块. [3]要转变鼠标指针颜...