computex taipei台北國際電腦展 show girl

Show Codes

Entertain yourself with “Show Codes”!The rules are simple:Choose a music and dance show. Try to find, in a limited time, the code that gives you acces...


Send and receive text messages through your phone on your computer. CompuText is an Android app and a Windows program that when combined allow you to ...

IQ Coach

IQ Coach is designed to help you practice for a scientific IQ test. There are over a hundred sample IQ test questions featured in our app. And we prom...


緯華企業股份有限公司(PACKWAY INC.)為國內專業自動化機器製造廠商。自1979年成立以來,一向堅持「緯華用心,精緻創新」的經營理念。三十多年來,致力於包裝機器之設計、製造、行銷、代工等,強調「台灣製造 品質保證」,為產業界提供各式的包裝機器,深獲產業界的肯定與信賴。緯華(PACKWAY)致...

렛스펙킹 TOEIC Speaking

"여러분의 꿈과 열정에 도전하세요!"이제 iBT로만 응시되던 TOEIC Speaking 모의시험을 모바일에서도 만나 보실 수 있습니다.시간과 장소에 제약없이 TOEIC Speaking 모의시험을 마음껏 이용해보세요!■ 이용방법 - 렛스펙킹 TOEIC Speaking 모...