chrono affection 時間寵愛杏仁酸煥白精華液

Chrono Memory

TimedPairs now is Chronomemory!New modes,new classes,new features.You have to remember where pairs of icons are located on the screen and solve each p...

Chrono Cash

"You’ll constantly be trying a new challenge and will even get your friends involved, just to beat their high scores." 8.5/10 - Paranerds"The tightnes...


You can use either personal or professional activities.If you like(hopefully) or not, please write your review. I will do my best to improve to meet y...


Count/track anything (holidays, people in a plane, bills, push-ups, sleep hours, sheep...) or get iterating numbers to put on documents (invoice for i...


The International Dance Organization (IDO) App on your mobile. With this new IDO App you are always online to check the most important IDO news, compe...

研究社 リーダーズ・プラス

※※※※※※Android 5.0 Lolipop 動作対応済み※※※※※※英語のプロ必携の英和辞典!『リーダーズ・プラス』は、見出し語数約19万語。主見出し、副見出し、成句などの収録数は約26万語。常用英和にくわえ、口語・俗語・卑語・婉曲表現、世界の英語、古今東西の人名・架空名、地名・地誌、作品タ...


※※※※※※Android 5.0 Lolipop 動作対応済み※※※※※※《UPDATE!》■ 辞典データをSDカード(外部ストレージ)へ保存することが可能となりました。■■ 新機能!! ■■・KWIT検索機能難解な医学用語も直感的に分かるKWIT(検索キーワードの中央一致)機能を搭載!!部分一致...