chrome tab 亂碼


輸入中文字, 馬上顯示其倉頡拆碼、漢語拼音、粵語拼音、Big5 內碼、部首筆劃、簡體字、繁體字及詞語, 可選擇顯示倉頡碼方法(英文、中文或兩者), 顯示結果可分享到不同程式如 whatsapp, 分享漢語拼音時可選擇只把拼音輸出, 例如只輸出 hen3 gao1 xing1 ren4 shi4 ni...

Tile Tap

Most addictive Mobile version of Tile Tap game for Android!Can you stay alive? Press all of the tiles in the correct order as they move down the scree...

News Liban

"News Liban - Akhbar Lebnan Baladna" is designed to present you the up-to-date Lebanon news on the go, any time, anywhere in the globe, on your Androi...


This game consists of 10 rounds and three game modes to choose from. The "Single Player" mode serves as a kind of exercise. The goal is to accurately ...

Get 75

Introducing Get 75 - The latest game by Bombay Games that tests you on several skills - strategy, patience, prioritizing and most importantly - presen...