chiang rai local tour

Chiang Rai

Chiang Rai Province is the northernmost province of Thailand. As the province is at the very top of Thailand, it borders Myanmar and Laos. The close p...


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Frozen Comet

Physically correct simulated planets of an solar system and YOU have to navigate a comet through it without crashing into a planet.You can see it in a...

Frozen Fish

Your invisible kitten, 'Secret', is hungry and you must defrost and feed to her as many fish as you can. If your ice box overflows Secret will...

اصوات الحيوانات Animal sounds

تطبيق ل تعليم اصوات الحيوانات و اسماء الحيوانات و اسماء اصوات الحيوانات بطريقة سهلة بأستخدام الرسوملت الجذابة.يقوم المتعلم بالنقر على صورة الحيوان ليس...