can be用法

Samsung Cares

"這個應用程序是適用於Android手機。透過 Samsung Care 這應用程序與我們保持聯絡! 透過 在線支援 及 追蹤您產品的服務記錄 , 您可以完全掌握您三星產品的訊息。你可以找到常見問題,影片以及易於操作的自我診斷。如果由於某些原因,你不能找到你要找的答案,或需要額外的幫助,您可以隨時透...

SmarTone CARE

SmarTone CARE 畀你喺智能手機上搵到我哋嘅熱門優惠及推廣,仲可查閱用量、賬單同服務計劃• 無論你係唔係我哋嘅客戶,都可以緊貼我哋嘅優惠及推廣、最新服務,甚至預訂最新熱門智能手機• SmarTone嘅客戶,仲可以透過呢個應用程式查閱用量、賬單及服務計劃• 免費*app畀Android智能手...

Eye care

This APP helps you using the eyes healthy.Your mobile phone will tell you the lighting environment is good enough for reading or not.Prevention of myo...

Eye Care

Considering how important your eyesight is, caring for your eyes should be a part of your daily routine. Learn more about taking care of your eyes. Pr...

Who Can

Who can __(fill in the blank)__? Challenge your friends to a photo contest and see who can send the best reply! Create your own challenge, or choose f...

Can Salva

Restaurante Can Salva se ubica en la zona de Horta-Guinardó de Barcelona, donde podrás degustar platos típicos de la cocina mediterránea tradicional. ...