cafe un deux trois晚餐

Café Kridt

Cafe Kridts egen app lader dig se vores menuer med udvalg af varme og kolde drikke. Du kan samle stempler på køb og få tilbud samt bestille bord direk...

Food Diary

If you suffer from migraines, IBS, heartburn, or suspect you have some other food intolerance (celiac disease, lactose intolerance, etc.), most books ...

Food Diary

There are many reasons why keeping a food diary can be beneficial. If you are trying to lose weight it can help to see exactly what and how much you a...


東方香港HD Android版是東方證券(香港)有限公司全新打造的一款具有國際化,專業化的Android金融終端,提供最及時的滬深港行情和專業豐富的財經資訊。 免費提供延時15分鍾港股行情,PC版港股付費用戶賬號登錄可查看港股實時行情,支持用戶通過手機進行港股委托交易。 特色功能: 港股快速下單,買...


A quiet place for thoughts and ideas. This app was carefully designed to mimic a pen and paper journal by providing a neutral environment free from di...