cafe gray deluxe lunch


Aplikace Café+ nabízí návštěvníkům kaváren Café+ informace do mobilu a to v podobě:- informací o kavárně- novinkách- aktuální nabídce jídelního a nápo...


Carefully place your units and sculpt your terrain to prepare for battle! Play with a friend and achieve victory by annihilating their army or razing ...


Spoons, also known as Pig and Tongue is a fast-paced game of matching and bluffing family of card games. It is played in multiple rounds and each play...


This is an app for finding spoonerisms. A spoonerism is a play on words where the sounds of two words are swapped, for example "Three cheers for our q...


Si tienes entre 18 y 24 años y te interesa formarte, volver a retomar los estudios para continuar tu formación, ahora tienes otra oportunidad.Si tiene...


Пpилoжeниe "ЕMИАС" пoзвoляeт:- запиcатьcя к вpачy;- отменить запиcь;- пpоcмотpеть запиcи к вpачy;- напомнить о записи.Обновление связано с переходом н...