
Who's Here

Take Attendance and Pick Random Students. Fast and Simple.Who's Here? lets you take attendance quickly and get back to teaching. Once you take attenda...

郭德纲于谦相声全集 一

史上最全的郭德纲于谦相声合集,收录郭德纲于谦合作过的所有相声,更新至2012年5月底,分两个专辑,共114部。书书入耳精心打造,音质一流,钢丝和相声迷千万不要错过,值得收藏。 ================播放器============== 1. 养眼舒适的界面 2. 支持后台播放 3. 支持进入...

Yay Mine

Mine, mine, mine, mine and mine! Claim ownership of your iPad and/or iPhone by creating a customized label for your lock screen. Let everyone know who...