

一大群的强盗看到你家果子熟了,就要来抢,真是岂有此理;没有武器?没关系,咱有大把的果子,用果子把这群强盗统统砸死,让他们知道果子也不是好欺负的. 畅快淋漓的操作感,无与伦比的打击,就等你来! 操作: 1.点击界面上的 开始 按钮,选择喜欢的果子战斗; 2.点击界面上的 选项 按钮,可以控制游戏参数,...

beanfun 樂豆


New Onet

Games wise, quick hand and eye , find pairs of similar images and record any points .The game is based on the famous Pikachu game , the interface will...

New Grid

Transformation from given (National) grid to your own (Local) grid coordinate system can be done with this program. Program works with Decimal Units f...

Flamer New

Flamer is an innovative location based mobile dating app for iOS and Android (Making sure you have a lot of partners to choose from)You can ‘Like’ or ...