En situation d'urgence, trouvez et contactez rapidement le service adéquat en fonction de votre localisation. Gratuite et intuitive, cette applica...
The MARD SOS App is a safety app for women that helps you alert others when you are in danger. The app lets you alert up to 5 emergency contacts, info...
The alligator is taking a shower but he needs soap. Make your plan, move the soap block through the field and bring it to the alligator. Be careful, i...
Squared Away is a must for any Soldier serving in the United States Army. "SA" has the most widely referenced TMs and FMs being used by the U.S. Army:...
L’app di SOS Stalking, esperimento mai provato sino ad’ora in Italia, consente alla vittima, o a chi si senta minacciato in seguito a intimidazioni o ...
Lo que está ocurriendo en Venezuela es un crimen contra la humanidad. Cada día hay más sangre derramada,; armas apuntandas a los manifestantes pacífic...
Type Away is all about typing the alphabet as fast as you can. You are timed to see how quickly you can type from A to Z.Amaze your friends with your ...
The Imperial™ iManifold™ App Calculates HVAC/R system performance and troubleshoots system problems through user inputs and dynamic, live system data....
Timer for use with the American College of Sports Medicine's Health & Fitness Journal seven minute workout as featured in the New York Times and L...